Sweet Spot Class

The Sweet Spot: Getting & Giving the Touch You Want

Invite 6 friends over to your house for Charla’s class on Choice & Consent & Touch (3 hours) for singles, friends & couples

Mmm, that glorious moment when we are giving (or getting) exactly the touch that feels good on our body!  Sometimes we find that “sweet spot” spontaneously, but more often, we find it through clear communication and feedback.

We’ve all learned to perform and take care of the other person during sex. How many of us say “yes” to things we don’t actually want out of fear of losing connection?  Most of us!  We’ve grown accustom to tolerating and going along with touch that may be close, but not exactly what we want.

In this class we practice a different way.  Charla’s short, structured activities (the 3 Minute Game) help you find out what kind of touch you want–a big one! and if you’re not sure you’re not alone.  You practice how to make requests, give verbal feedback, and respond to others with ease.  All touching in this class is non-sexual and clothes remain on.  You never have to touch or be touched by anyone except who you choose.  You may choose to observe and learn that way.  All choices are honored.

In this experiential class you learn one directional touch—’for you’ or ‘for me,’ the difference between wanting and willing roles, offers and requests, OK and Fabulous!  Ah, now you can relax and feel the pleasure!  Students say “I could feel more.  I didn’t have to worry about guessing or getting it right.  Everything slowed down.”  What a relief.  You’ll leave excited and able to invite more quality touch into your life.

This class is good for friends, teachers, parents, counselors, therapists, bodyworkers, sex & intimacy educators, Lovers and anyone who desiring more conscious touch in their life!  Gender of your touching partner is not important in learning the concepts.

Testimonials of Sweet Spot students:

  • “I learned more about consent and intimate communication in Charla’s 3 hour class than in my whole lifetime.”
  • “Gee, that was the funnest time I’ve ever had keeping my clothes on.”
  • “At first I was shy because it was touching in a group situation, but Charla created a space of such ease, respect and spirit to learn, we all felt safe. Then magic began.”
  • More about this class in Charla’s blog After the Sweet Spot class

Teacher:  Charla Hathaway, PhD, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Surrogate Partner Therapist, and founder of Austin’s BodyJoy Intimacy School, 2003, has helped over 6,000 students in 7,000 hours find new ways to touch, talk & play that feel safe, soulful & sexy.  Author of Erotic Massage: Sensual Touch for Deep Pleasure and Extended Arousal (available in 7 languages), producer of two solo shows on sex work, Charla believes that empowering a student to express clear choice & consent when sharing their body is the cornerstone of intimacy and pleasure, and each person’s responsibility.