
Sex and Intimacy Coaches/Bodyworkers  Excellent consortium of sexual empowerment educators and bodyworker (See my ad in the directory under Texas)

Books about Sex

* Erotic Massage: Sensual Touch for Deep Pleasure and Extended Arousal, Dr. Charla Hathaway
* Eight Erotic Nights: Passionate Encounters that Inspire Great Sex for a Lifetime, Dr. Charla Hathaway

* The Art of Receiving and Giving, Dr. Betty Martin,

* Sizzling Sex for a Lifetime,  Michael Castleman, great consortium of all things sexual
* Shameless, Pamela Madsen
* Sex at Dawn, Christopher ryan and Cacilda Jetha
* Guide to Getting It On, Paul Joannides
* Women of the Light, the New Sexual Healers, K. Ray Stubbs
* The Art of Sexual Ecstasy, Margo Anand
* The Ethical Slut, Dossie Easton and Catherine Liszt
* Anal Health and Pleasure, Jack Morin
* SM 101, Jay Wiseman
* Don’t Be Nice, Be Real, Kelly Bryson
* Sex for Two, Betty Dodson
* Passionate Marriage, David Schnarch
* How to Make Love All Night and Drive a Woman Wild, Barbara Keesling
* The Ultimate Guide to Adult Videos, Violet Blue

Web Sites for Sex Education

* Consortium of Tantra and Toaist wisdom
* Queen of Masturbation
* Sex positive products information and products for play.
* Great sex-positive information on most topics
* Body Electric weekends teach and inspire conscious eroticism

Aging and Sexuality  The American Psychological Association’s Aging and Human Sexuality Resource Guide lists journal articles, books, websites, and organizations addressing the topic of aging and sexuality.  A very comprehensive site covering all of the various birth control methods. Offers lots of opportunity for interaction and has a “method finder” so an individual can tailor a birth control method to his or her lifestyle. The site also has reminders that can send emails or texts reminding users to take a next dose, make a next clinic appointment, get a next refill, etc. Incredibly charming and engaging, with regular blogs and articles about fun things people can do when they’re not worried about unplanned pregnancy!

Healthy sexuality  A website created by a group of therapists specializing in the treatment of sex addiction and in sex therapy. Some of the site is dedicated toward advertising their services, but it also contains a lot of information about how to identify and get help with unhealthy attitudes or behaviors regarding sex and sexuality.  Primarily in FAQ format, this site—a favorite of college students and adults alike–addresses a very wide range of questions about sex and sexuality. It is operated by the health services department at Columbia University for students and the general public, and also has interactive quizzes and polls.  In addition to linking visitors to research produced by the institute, the site gives volunteers the opportunity to participate in upcoming research. The FAQ page contains facts and statistics about every sex topic imaginable, and the vast “Related Resources” page directs visitors to excellent sexuality websites across the internet.  This website offers a very wide variety of information about sexuality in a several formats, including articles, Q&As, discussion forums, and videos. Targeted toward an adult audience, this resource addresses sexuality and disability, sexuality and health, sexuality and aging, in addition to the general discussions of sexual response and sexuality in relationships common to other sites.  This site provides comprehensive and accurate information about all aspects of sex and sexuality, with separate sections targeting teens, parents, and educators. The site helps link readers to local resources as well. Not as engaging for kids as Scarleteen and Sex, Etc., and not quite as interactive for birth control information as Bedsider, but extremely useful nonetheless.  Describes itself as “inclusive, comprehensive, and smart sexuality information and help for teens and 20s.” Created by the author of the book S.E.X. (Heather Corinna), the website includes articles, Q&As, and reader submissions covering a wide variety of topics, including skin, sexuality, relationships, sexual orientation, politics, and reproduction. It also has a search engine to find sexual health providers (both medical and mental health providers).  A website dedicated to providing information about all aspects of sexuality (including sexual functioning, relationships, reproduction, and sexual violence) to women with disabilities.  Teen writers contribute to Sex, etc., which helps make it feel approachable and honest; Like Scarleteen, it provides comprehensive sexuality information and has moderated forums where readers can submit questions. The site also encourages activism, and includes a section covering the laws regarding sexual education and sexual health by state.

www.siecus.orgThe Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States provides numerous resources to help individuals and organizations advocate for better education about sexuality in schools and homes. It also contains annotated bibliographies for good books about sexuality and disability and about sexuality after mid-life. SIECUS supports, a site that educates adolescents and young adults about sexuality.