Author Archive: Charla
Pornography Pros & Cons and How to Watch it

As a sex and intimacy coach, I decided, since porn is a big part of today’s sex scene, I’d better know more about it, so I spent a good couple of months watching…lots. Very interesting experiment, I didn’t even need a vibrator. Instead of trying to answer whether pornography is good or bad, I decided you need to know:
- What porn will and will not do for you,
- How to find the good stuff, and
- How to watch it.
Play the 3 Min Game
How to Get and Give the Touch you Want
with sexual empowerment coach Charla Hathaway
Workshop for couples and singles, Central Austin, $55/person/or bring a friend $50/each
Next Date: TBA
The 3 Minute Game provides structure for you to tune into your body, your desires, ask for what you want, and respond to other’s requests. Playing is easy–you gain confidence and new ways to get more touch in life. You feel safe, your body relaxes, and you experience more pleasure.
Often we say ‘no’ to intimate touch because we are afraid things won’t go our way–or spin out of control–so we stop before we start…and end up feeling lonely and touch-starved. In this workshop you learn one-way touch (with permission) that translates into choice, trust and safety. You’ll learn if the touch is ‘for you” or “for me” and why that is important.
Players of the game often remark, “time stopped, I could feel more, I didn’t have to worry about guessing or getting it right, everything slowed down.” In this context, you may be surprised how comfortable it is to give and receive touch in a group setting. In just a few rounds of the game, your performance anxiety and fear melt away and your natural curiosity and self-expression emerge.
You will both give and get just what you want…nothing more or less. Playing the game takes your intimacy skills to the next level and opens new doors. Workshop activities are sensual, not sexual, and clothes remain on. Couples may practice with each other, and singles are welcome.
Charla Hathaway, certified sex educator, sexological bodyworker and intimacy coach, is author of 8 Erotic Nights: Passionate Encounters that Inspire Great Sex for a Lifetime, and Erotic Massage: Sensual Touch for Deep Pleasure and Extended Arousal (available in nine languages). Charla, founder of Austin’s BodyJoy Intimacy School, has helped thousands find new ways to touch, talk and play that feel safe, sensual and satisfying. Sign up for her monthly newsletter.
Peter Pan Comes to See Me
A young man comes to see me for sex coaching who is feeling shy, awkward and inexperienced with his older girlfriend. She usually initiates their sex and says she wants more passion from him. He really likes her and even thinks she’s the one–yet, the sex part of the relationship causes him much worry because he often comes too soon.
He discloses that he relates closely with Peter Pan and Dionysus, one holds the key to Neverland and the other ‘Pan’, is god of sensuality and celebration. He desires to grow a spiritual aspect to his sexuality and asks me if I would like to play the role of Wendy or Diana with him in this session? (more…)
How Love & Desire Differ
Ask yourself, “How does it feel to be loved by someone?” And then ask, “How does it feel to be desired by someone?” You may be surprised how differently love and desire feel in relationship. Being loved feels comfortable, secure, anchored, being taken care of. Love feels safe and secure, like a melting together.
Yet, love is not always enough. (more…)
Uncle Bob is Dressing Like a Lady
Charla’s favorite uncle started, in his words, “dressing like a lady” at age 85 years after his wife died. He’d always been a ‘straight arrow’ but now was going to do something for himself, after all he didn’t even expect to live this long.