What is a Sacred Intimate?

A Sacred Intimate is a teacher who uses touch, including erotic touch, to teach you how to feel more comfort, connection and pleasure in your body.  S/he guides you back to a state of recognizing,  experiencing and enjoying your body sensations.   We have been told to disregard and distrust the information percolating up from the gut, genitals, heart, and skin. Instead, we are told to trust only our head or intellect.

This is an unbalanced and dangerous way to live, as the mind is quick to play many tricks.
If we are separated from our body wisdom that comes from the neck down, we feel hurried, confused and unable to enjoy pleasure. We have moved from our natural evolution of living (slowly) in the body to a hyper-fast life of living from the neck up.  A Sacred inmate is trained to reintegrate our body-mind-spirit as we were designed to live by nature.


A Sacred Intimate is trained to help a client re-sense his/her body information that is constantly available at every moment.  By getting a student to listen to the simple and profound messages coming from the body, s/he can make decisions–whether in bed sexually, or out of bed in life–that are authentic, safe, empowering and pleasurable.


When it comes to sexuality, most of us do not understand how to create a container of safety.  As a Sacred Intimate, I use different body-based techniques such as conscious breath, intention, touch, choice, and permission to teach safe and passionate play.  Always coming back to what you ‘notice’ or ‘observe’ in your body, a client develops a sense of ‘being present’ in the moment, instead of being anxious about the future or depressed about the past.


Sensing and being able to verbalize what is going on in one’s own body is monumental for most people and expands one’s potential to be sexually at ease and feel pleasure.  Good sex is simply learning to feel more sensation in the body and interacting with others in a way that feels clear and full of choice.


With a Sacred Intimate you experience sacred embodiment. You learn to trust your yes and no and reserve the right to change your mind. You express your desires without shame and share authentically who you are in each moment.  Sacred Embodiment means you feel safe in your own body.  You enter delicious realms of deep surrender and ecstasy because touch is based on consent and permission.


When we are sacredly embodied we can truly celebrate our commonality and communion with others and all life.  We feel an elated sense of well-being, a timeless and treasured joy to be alive. Our hearts open. We become refreshed and enlightened.

Here’s a Sacred Intimates blog I contribute to along with several other teachers.


  1. Heidi Ellis-Buck

    Hello Charla, I am so enjoying your writings and life wisdom.
    How do I find a sacred intimate? I live in Austin, Texas.
    Thank you,

    1. Charla (Post author)

      Check the site Sacrederos.com and also sexologicalbodyworkers.com. also google sacred sexuality practitioners.

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