Flirt–because you can!

Want to feel younger, juicier, more spontaneous and sexy? Why not exercise your flirt muscle? Flirt because you can, it doesn’t hurt any one and will bring untold joy!

Flirting is attention without intention (or coercion) It’s a gift you give yourself and others.  It will replenish your self esteem and fun-index. The more you give away, the more you get. Try sending out your special juice, your unique “take” on the moment, and your “spark” to whoever and wherever you are.

Flirt with the clerk behind the counter, the waiter, the man on a bicycle, or the little old lady next to you in line–heck, flirt with the neighbor’s cat!   Flirt because it’s a joy to give away your sparkle which will come back bigger each time you send it out.  You never know what your smile may mean to someone who’s just lost a friend, got bad results back on a medical test, or fears loosing a lover.


I like sparking the imagination of others–and mine, ha!  Flirting reminds me of who is in charge of my turn-on–ME!  Who gets my juices running–ME!  Who has a sassy, savvy self–ME! Plus, when I was younger I thought flirting was bad, so now I feel just a little naughty being so unapologetically bold!

1 Comment

  1. Gordon Krum

    I’ve always called it the 30 second airport romance.You meet someone or maybe you just pass in line. Maybe there is talking or not. Maybe eye contact or not. One thing is for sure it starts and is over in seconds. The kicker being, Maybe, just maybe you’ve just had the best part of the whole relationship! 🙂

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